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more than a coaching service

1 min read
more than a coaching service

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At ahealingwalk, we understand that each of us is at an unique and specific standpoint in our journey of self-growth. If you are struggling with something or going through a time of confusion, it's totally okay.

We have been through such journeys and still on the way, turning left and right, moving up and down; so we know how it is to be in a hole, to be stuck, to be angry and to be sleepless.

We are not here to move you to an ideal fixed destination. Rather, we help you to gain perspectives, wider, and support and companionship so you can gain true insights and clarity out of your own situation and move forward with more wisdom and strength.

The journey of self-discovery is akin to a train ride with multiple stops along the way. Each stop represents a unique opportunity for introspection, reflection, and growth. We hope that you can appreciate the value of each milestone whether it be pleasant or unpleasant.

Through thought-provoking questions, reflective exercises, and empathetic listening, we encourage you to explore alternative viewpoints and challenge limiting beliefs. As the train chugs along, you begin to see the world through fresh eyes, gaining clarity and wisdom with each passing moment.

You are always right in your experiences.



Greetings! I'm Shinrin, your coach and a wordsmith for mindfulness in our project.

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