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one kind thought before bedtime

1 min read
one kind thought before bedtime
Photo by Ashkan Forouzani / Unsplash

Table of Contents

Anger/nervousness/anxiety/irritation/resentment, they are pure energy moving through you. They are not you and not yours. When we meditate, we no longer suppress and things start moving and coming up to the surface of consciousness. Offer yourself a lot of self-compassion.

The reason to not hold on to grudges is that it gives us a peace of mind, making us free. If we hold on to old grudges too long, it can create illness. For the peace of your mind and well-being of your body, be willing to forgive.

As a long-term committed meditator, I truly understand the difficulty of working with defilements, being true to ourselves is key. incase your meditation has not gained enough power to cleanse your mind, be patient and gentle and nurture this thought: “I choose forgiveness as a gift to give myself.” That can give birth to self-compassion and metta to temporarily give you comfort. It works. In the long run, meditation is a must to truly uproot defilements and it takes years of practice.


Practise one kind thought before each night's bedtime. It's very good for our sleep.



Greetings! I'm Shinrin, your coach and a wordsmith for mindfulness in our project.

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