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Student Learning Habits Coaching Form

2 min read
Student Learning Habits Coaching Form

Table of Contents

You can use this form for your personal purpose. If you want ONE-on-One Coaching, please fill the Complementary Coaching Form first and our Coach would promptly reach out to you and guide you with this form. We would have a Call so you can share verbally your experiences and our Coach would help you walk through the form for insights and actions.

Personal Information:

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Grade/Level:
  • School/College/University:
  • Email:
  • Date:

Part 1: Self-Assessment

  1. Time Management:
    • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your ability to manage your time effectively for studying?
    • What are your current strategies for managing your study time?
    • How do you prioritize tasks when studying?
  2. Study Environment:
    • Describe your usual study environment (e.g., location, noise level, distractions).
    • Do you find your study environment conducive to learning? Why or why not?
    • What changes, if any, would you like to make to your study environment?
  3. Note-taking:
    • How do you typically take notes during classes or while studying?
    • Do you review and organize your notes regularly? If so, how often?
    • Are there any note-taking techniques you would like to try or improve upon?
  4. Active Learning:
    • How often do you engage in active learning activities (e.g., discussions, problem-solving, teaching others)?
    • What are your favorite active learning methods, and how effective do you find them?
    • Are there any new active learning strategies you're interested in exploring?

Part 2: Goal Setting

  1. Short-term Goals:
    • What specific learning habits or skills would you like to improve in the next month?
    • How will you measure your progress toward these goals?
  2. Long-term Goals:
    • Where do you see yourself academically or professionally in the next year? How about in five years?
    • What learning habits do you believe are essential for reaching these goals?

Part 3: Action Plan

  1. Identify Strengths:
    • What learning habits do you believe you excel at currently?
    • How can you leverage these strengths to improve other areas of your learning?
  2. Address Weaknesses:
    • What learning habits do you struggle with the most?
    • What steps can you take to overcome these challenges?
  3. Implementing Changes:
    • What specific actions will you take to develop or improve your learning habits?
    • How will you track your progress and adjust your approach if needed?

Part 4: Additional Activities

  1. Weekly Reflection:
    • Set aside time each week to reflect on your progress toward your goals. What went well? What could be improved?
  2. Peer Accountability:
    • Partner with a friend or classmate to hold each other accountable for sticking to your learning habits and goals.
  3. Learning Resources:
    • Explore additional resources such as online courses, books, or workshops related to study skills and effective learning habits.
  4. Seek Feedback:
    • Regularly seek feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers on your learning habits and progress.


Greetings! I'm Shinrin, your coach and a wordsmith for mindfulness in our project.

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